Successful demonstration of active flutter suppression within the EU H2020 project FliPASED led by SZTAKI.
A team of international researchers within the FLiPASED project has succeeded in overcoming one of the greatest challenges in aviation on the 26th of May 2023 at the DLR Cochstedt Airport. The project team has actively suppressed the dreaded phenomenon of flutter in two subsequent flights. Two different control systems -- one developed by DLR and the other by SZTAKI – were used in these flights.
The research was conducted in the frame of the EU-funded FliPASED project led by SZTAKI (Institute for Computer Science and Control) with partners German Aerospace Center (DLR), ONERA - the French Aerospace Lab and Technical University of Munich.
More details about our story here.
The video was made by: Julius Bartaševičius.