Model for crowdsourced parcel delivery embedded into Mobility as a Service based on autonomous electric vehicles
Faced promising development of autonomous vehicles, the concept Mobility as a Service embraces AVs. The autonomous delivery has also been arising and tested for last-mile solution. Accordingly, passenger transportation and delivery service are to be jointly coordinated in the future MaaS. The research niche is summarized as how to embed crowdsourced parcel delivery into MaaS based on AVs. Electricity powered vehicles are to be applied considering energy consumption and air emission. Research questions are identified as what this novel service is and how it works, especially focusing on task coordination and the related information management. The system engineering process-oriented approaches, matching theory, and numerical method have been applied. The service concept has been elaborated, which contains information system architecture model and functional model. The matching condition of this service is summarized. As the embedded delivery can partially share the demand of traditional delivery service, the calculation scenarios of energy savings and emission decrease per parcel delivery are presented. The results facilitate service planning and development.