Optimal Control Design for Traffic Flow Maximization Based on Data-Driven Modeling Method
This paper proposes enhanced prediction and control design methods for improving traffic flow with human-driven and automated vehicles. To achieve accurate prediction for the entire time horizon, data-driven and model-based prediction methods were integrated. The goal of the integration was to accurately predict the outflow of the traffic network, which was selected as the highway section in this paper. The proposed novel prediction method was used in the optimal design for calculating controlled inflows on highway ramps. The goal of the design was to reach the maximum outflow of the traffic network, even against disturbances on uncontrolled inflows of the network. The control design leads to an optimization problem based on the min–max principle, i.e., the traffic outflow is considered to be maximized by controlled inflows and to be minimized by uncontrolled inflows. The effectiveness of the prediction and the control methods through simulation examples are illustrated, i.e., traffic outflow can be maximized by the control system under various uncontrolled inflow values.