Research and development in regard to road vehicles, aircraft, and robots in connection with their mobility.
Accession of effective and innovative solutions to research challenges related to mobility.
Encouragement of a nationwide cooperation within the scientific and research community of the field.
Coordination of the innovations in the field.
Creating a competence map that describes, characterises, and evaluates the competences of the participating institutions relevant to the field, and identifying niches that are seen internationally as relavant, but not covered by the competence map.
Setting up means, channels and mechanisms of the knowledge transfer within the consortium, and also towards and from other universities and the industry.
Setting up networking opportunities, platforms, and forums within and without the consortium.
Intensify the development of experimental vehicles in respect of both the component and the functional design.
Intensify the development of cyber-physical manufacturing and logistics systems, both flexible and dedicated.
Setting up and operating an Autonomous Vehicles Indoor Laboratory to be used by the Consortium members and academic and industrial partners.
Development of infrastructure connected to the ZalaZone test track.
Demonstrating the Consortium’s autonomous vehicle design and implementation achievements on the grounds of and using the technical infrastructure of ZalaZone.
Preparing and setting up national and industrial research and development (R&D) projects, with regards to the higher education and training aspects and possibilities.
Further objectives
Encourage the academic institutions, the industrial companies, as well as the small and the medium enterprises to become the integral part of the national innovation ecosystem, and thereby increase the competitiveness of the country.
Providing educational and technical support to universities – within the Consortium, but also to those without – in improving their engineering courses at all higher educational levels (i.e., BSc, MSc and PhD) that are related to the field of autonomous systems.
In accordance with the research and innovation aims set out by the European Commission, the NLAS defines its mission, works for its future, chooses its R&D tasks, and signs its R&D project contracts with an eye on the following principles: open innovation, open science, and openness to the world.
Most important basic and application-oriented research directions
Environment detection and situational assessment and awareness for autonomous vehicles.
Integrated and cooperative vehicle control
Testing and validation of the resulting systems and methods are to be carried out in an environment that is relevant to and used by the industry.